A Look At Hospital Nursing During the 1970’s
Let’s take a trip down the nursing memory lane.
Let’s take a trip down the nursing memory lane.
Ethel Gordon Fenwick was the pioneer of the movement for professional registration for nurses.
How do you deal with life, especially during those times, when the good and the bad happened to you all at the same time?
Two nurses share their experiences on what was it like being a nurse during the 1900’s.
History does matter. This article illustrates the considerable weight and influence of nursing history while at the same time disclosing the challenges of applying the past to the present.
South Africa became the first country in the world to make legal provision for the curriculum for nurses and midwives, approval of training schools, as well as standardized examinations for entry into the register.
Nursing has come a very, very long way in the past century. However, some of the challenges highlighted by nurse leaders in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s, still face the profession a century later even though their exact nature might be somewhat different.
For Black History Month, get to know Mary Eliza Mahoney became the first professionally qualified black nurse in 1879.
Anna May Hays started her career in the US Army as a frontline nurse in WWII. She is the first female general in the US army. As a forward-looking leader, she steered the ANC through an era of rapid modernization and used her influence to improve service conditions for all women in the armed forces.
Irena Sendler impacted the lives of many and influenced nursing and social working practices.