25+ Funniest Tweets by Nurses That’ll Make You Laugh Out Loud
We collated the funniest tweets by nurses to make you enjoy our chosen career better.
We collated the funniest tweets by nurses to make you enjoy our chosen career better.
A quick, thoughtless post can cause years of heartache if it costs you your job or even loss of licensure and career.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council of United Kingdom has issued a warning on health workers specifically nurses and midwives to be extra careful when using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Social media has positive uses for nurses too!
What do you consider to be “too close” in a nurse-patient relationship?
Unfortunately, some nurses have recently sparked considerable outrage with their TikTok videos. This emphasizes that health care providers should always use social media thoughtfully and professionally.
To stop this negative behavior from spreading in your area, here are three things you can do to address gossiping.
Registered nurses in the Philippines live a hard life as they practice their profession.