What could be the best thing to do this new year in a nursing home? Make a calendar from twelve cinema classics!ย
The men and women, aged 75 to 98 years, of a nursing home in Germany just did that.ย They transformed the residents using wigs, costumes and makeup to match famous Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Audrey Hepburn and recreate the scenes and posters from their movies — and move away from their usual everyday life.
“This has tremendous fun,” says Walter Loeser noting it was a nice change from their everyday life in an interview (Google translated). The 98-year-old “Billy” from “Easy Rider,” donned a motorbike gear and said “Wow…I felt like a macho.”
The “Klassiker 2014” calendars are not for sale (too bad) but they serve as a gift for the employees and families of the seniors.
1. “James Bond” Wilhelm Buiting, 89
2. “Titanic” Erna Rutt, 86 and Alfred Kelbch, 81
3. “Breakfast at Tiffany” Marianne Brunsbach, 86
4. “Rocky” Erwin J. von der Heiden, 80
5. “Mary Poppins” Erna Schenk, 78
6. “The Seven Year Itch” Ingeborg Giolbass, 84 and Erich Endlein, 88
7. “Blues Brothers” Lothar Wischnewski, 76 and Margarete Schmidt, 77
8. “Cabaret” Martha Bajohr, 77
9. “Giants” Joanna Trachenberg, 81 and Horst Krischat, 78
10. “Saturday Night Fever” Irmgard Alt and Siegfried Gallasch, 87
11. “Dirty Dancing” Johann Liedtke, 92 and Marianne Pape, 79
No actual lifting was done, well…because you know…, this was done through the magic of Photoshop.
#9 is “Badlands”, not Giants.