Nurses go about their daily tasks of healing the sick, caring for the wounded, and comforting the dying. They undoubtedly do things that a family member would not hesitate doing and maybe so much more. With medical tools in pockets and a cup of coffee, on the other hand, nurses are all-time everyday heroes that deserve to be reminded how people under their care are thankful for what they do.
For this reason, it can be overwhelming and difficult to put into words how their gestures have made everything seem light and bearable. Here are seven ways to alternatively express your gratitude for the everyday heroes who instantly answer your call for help:
1. Ease the Tensed
After all the heavy-duty grinding and stretching, there’s not a thing that nurses wish for more than a massage. Get them a free spa treat and watch them glow after they have eliminated all the tension that wears them down. Nurses universally agree that the best way to wind down and recharge is to have someone ease their tensed muscles. It is extremely nice to have nurses at the receiving end of the care and comfort that they generously give 24/7. Thank them by giving them a dose of their own medicine!
2. Sweets and Sparkles
![Or if they prefer candies, then this! Image via Pinterest.](
Who doesn’t get excited at the sound of popping wine bottles? Moreover, who does not squeal like a child at the sight of chocolates? Leave nurses tongue-tickled and light-headed (the good kind) with your gratitude that comes in cold-sweating wine and chocolate-coated mouth bombs. Nurses may appear calm and collected during codes and multitasking, but when this treat combo arrives in the unit, all discipline will break loose. It will be like setting up a mini party for nurses who barely have time to go out. Thank them by bringing the party to them, maybe with extra pizza or donuts?
3. Shoot Straight to the Heart
![Don't forget to follow the "Nurses Food Pyramid". ;)](
Remember this: Food is the weapon of choice to please the heart. Start rummaging through your grandmother’s cookbook and time to showcase your excellent cooking skills by preparing their favorite dishes. It will not hurt to ask their food preference (or you can observe secretly), so you avoid disasters like bringing beef stroganoff to a vegan nurse. Thank them by feeding their growling stomachs. Nurses will swell with love from all these gastronomic pleasures.
4. Volunteer To Do What They Hate
Of course, not all ways to express how thankful you are should be tangible! Watch nurses sigh with the biggest relief when you volunteer to do household chores that they hate the most. Do they hate doing the laundry? Tell them that for a month their hands would not have a trace of detergent in them. Do they hate washing the dishes? Tell them that they will be spared from the greasy feeling for two weeks. Thank them by sparing them from things that kill their mood! After all, if they get unlucky, they would have enough unpleasant encounters which make them the most pissed individual in the room.
5. Be The Gift Yourself
Nurses in the family basically do not get tired of reminding every member about making positive lifestyle choices. Are you someone who has been ignoring their wishes for you? Well, it’s the best time to turn the tables and for these nurses to get served. Jog every afternoon, cut down on your fat intake, sign up for a yoga class, or learn a sport: whatever you do, they will surely light up and thank the heavens. Thank them by answering their pleas!
6. Immortalizing Memories
Come up with a slideshow or a digital scrapbook showcasing the memories you have shared with your everyday heroes. Don’t forget to add personal touches by using their favorite color theme and a unique part of their personality. Not only is it cost-effective, but it is also guaranteed to last a lifetime! Show they’re being appreciated for what they do by showcasing your genuine smiles together! Don’t forget the captions because they gulp on those like water.
7. Thank You Letters
Of course, thoughts and feelings are best expressed through written notes. While it is traditional and not entirely unique, old-fashioned nurses will be thrilled at the sight of pristine folded paper and scented envelopes on their desk. Presents like these are highly appreciated, and it will even be showcased on their bulletin boards. You can make it extra special by attaching gift cards or a free coffee coupon.
![Go for cards this Nurses Week!](
The special thing about thank-you letters is that they can reread it when they feel down. It makes nurses glad that you treasure your time together as much as they do. Thank them by reminding them how valued they are!
Expressing your gratitude does not have to be through grand gestures. It just has to be personal and thoughtful! After all, nurses are fond of sweet, simple things. Here are seven ways you can do to make nurses feel your appreciation. These are useful ideas which you can even pull off last minute.
Therefore, make some ideas on the list a reality and share your story online! For sure, thousands of nurses will flock and feed on your parade. What’s greater than this? You make more nurses happy, warm, and valued.
It’s time to spread the joy around! Happy Nurses Week!